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CALL: 808-484-2188


Do you have a direct line to your Hawaii locations?

Our customer service office is located in Los Angeles and all calls filter through there. We are happy to answer any questions you may have by calling the number on our website.

Do you have a direct line to your Hawaii locations?2021-11-18T00:28:39+00:00

How often do you sail?

Twice a week, Saturdays and Wednesdays. Our ocean freight services typically take 8-10 days.

How often do you sail?2021-11-18T00:27:23+00:00

Do I have to get credit to ship with The Delivery People?

No, we can offer prepay shipping for your urgent orders. We can accept credit card, check or bank transfers prior to delivery of your shipment. You can also setup credit terms by completing this credit application and email it back to ar@thedeliverypeople.com - click to download

Do I have to get credit to ship with The Delivery People?2021-10-06T03:26:58+00:00

How do I calculate dim weight for international air freight?

To figure out air freight dim weight for international freight: Length x width x height divided by 166. If the dim weight is greater than the actual weight that number will be used to figure out your cost of shipping.

How do I calculate dim weight for international air freight?2021-10-01T14:36:09+00:00
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